So why did it take us so long to finally make the switch? Brand loyalty. I am one of those people who feel a certain loyalty to a business we have been with for 37 years and have had basically no problems with. They have provided us with great service and I really couldn't see leaving them to save a few dollars.
Why fix it if it ain't broke? Always one of my favourite theories. I am not one of those " the grass is greener on the other side" kind of people either. I am still using the same detergent, the same orange juice, the same cleaners, etc. I have my favourite restaurants and tend to order the same thing to eat. I know I like it, so why try something I might not like. Of course, and I do realize, I might be missing something really delicious, and I often seriously consider it, but experience has taught me that going with what I know I like is usually the best bet for me! Don't venture too far out of the box there, Donna.
Now, on the other hand, when it comes to new and technical stuff, I am "in like Flynn"! Definitely a gadget girl, cutting edge, and have all the latest toys. We were one of the first people in our area to get the internet, do online banking, purchases and whatever! My latest favourite thing is my IPod Touch. I LUV it! I use it every day for so many things. The ad on TV that says there is an app for almost everything is so right. My current favourite app is still the MLB one. ( Major League Baseball ) As a huge baseball fan, I can keep track of all the games, listen to any one I want to, have the latest stats at my fingertips, to name a few of the best features of this application! I am ... Gadget Girl!!
Knitting news: I have finished with dishcloths for a while. I knit a grand total of 11 dishcloths and 1 washcloth. 
My intention is to knit more washcloths, one for each of the grandkids, but for the moment I need something a bit more challenging for my brain. So this is what I am doing now:

Not sure who these are going to be for, but they are going to be beautiful! I am so pleased with how well they are turning out. The colour is lilac and normally I would give them to EDD, but she probably has as many purple ones as she can handle. So if you know anyone who might be interested in these, let me know. Or I can use them as a gift when I need one, or a donation or whatever. Progress pics in the near future!
Me, me , me , she says laughingly , hands waving frantically in the air ! Just kidding , I knit socks and have plenty in the sock drawer .Keep them for the gift drawer . The pattern looks awesome and the colour is beautiful . I'll have to have a look at that book the next time I'm at Chapters .I 'll also check out the new one by Wendy Johnson "Socks from the Toe Up ". I'm always knitting mine from the cuff down and apparently this book has good tips and technique illustrations.
As far as the gadgets go , not so much for me. I'm still learning with the tech stuff on the computer .
Have a good day and happy knitting !
That yarn color is beautiful!!
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