14 November 2006

Hundreds of Ends

Just a quick post to say that I worked for hours on the weekend and finished the ends to the body of the sweater (some had been done earlier) and all the ends on sleeve and have now blocked those 2 pieces. Voila!!

I am off to Bridgewater to have my hair done.

Bye bye for now.


lexa said...

Looking good! All those ends... I have finished my aran sweater, all but the seaming and neckline. I'm hoping to do the majority of that tonight! Then I can get on with my gift knitting before it's too late.

Dorothy said...

Shelburne's not that far away - why not come to an auction tonight?
Exit 26, turn right, drive about 3-4 minutes :)
Really love that sweater!

Anonymous said...

that sweater is amazing!


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