A play on the song: Trip the Light Fantastic. So what is that all about you might ask yourself.
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The sock pattern I chose for my gorgeous blue handpainted yarn just didn't do it for me. I loved how the yarn was knitting up, but not the pattern. It was a herringbone rib and there was very little actual knitting. There was a row of slip stitch, knit 2, pass slip st over. And the next row was knit 2, slip back to left needle. pass 3rd stitch over, slip back to right needle. Half way through the second row I had this sinking feeling in my stomach. "I do not like this." " I am not having fun." But I started it and I must finish it. I don't want to hurt the designer's feelings by disliking her pattern. Especially as I had already posted my Cast On Post on my Ravelry Knit-a-long. Everyone would see and know. (She bows her head in shame.)
And then my inner Lucy Neatby ( a designer who claims you should rip out projects if you don't enjoy working on them ) came through. I could hear her saying, in her perky British accent, "Knitting is supposed to be fun. If you aren't enjoying it, rip it out and then knit something you will enjoy!"
It was then and there that I decided to make the big switch. I am now working on the pattern, Rib Fantastic, by Barbara Brown, which is also from the Knitting with Handpainted Yarn book and I am liking it much better and it seems to be knitting up quickly. I am having fun again!
Does anyone but me think it is a coincidence that colour of the finished sock (from the book) looks remarkably close to my yarn colour? Also note how well my project bag matches. I think that this pair of socks was meant to be! Thanks again to Lucy Neatby!!
Trying to come up with a fun name for this pair, after much reflection and discussion with Heddy, I decided upon, Trip the Rib Fantastic! And we are back to the title.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
very purdy!
I did in fact think it was a remarkable coincidence actually. Gorgeous :)
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