Well I finished the back and blocked John's sweater. I should have taken a picture whilst I had it on the blocking board. Oh well! I have started the sleeves and put a stripe in the cuff which I think will look very nice. I am still undecided as to what to take with me.....sleeves or new sweater which I really want to do. However, I am major anal and hate to start one thing before finishing the current one! What to do? But I need something as I get a lot of knitting done on the plane and in the waiting area!
Yesterday was hair and pedicure day and tomorrow is nail day! So I should be all ready for our trip as far as all that goes. I am digging out summer stuff and washing things and getting ready to pack my suitcase. We are staying overnight at the new Mariott Hotel at the airport Friday night and going out to dinner with our friends who are on the same flight we are. That means winter stuff for Friday and then summer stuff for Sat. morning, so the whole packing thing becomes very important as to what goes where in an effort to avoid having to open more than one bag! I hate packing!
The guy from Nauss Brothers is coming here on Friday morning to take a look at what work we would like to have done to the house. We definitely need new shingling or whatever outside, some new windows upstairs, and the space the fridge is in enlargened so we can get a new one before this one dies! Hopefully they will be able to get it done some time this spring but I am not counting on it. Nothing seems to be happening when I want it. The glasses people called to say my new glasses would not be ready before we leave on Friday and ditto for my orthotics! What a pain!
Must go get dinner ready for the girls and John. Miss Cleo is standing in front of her food container and barking her annoying "I want my supper now" bark.
Bye bye for now.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
2 months ago
1 comment:
The packing sounds like fun! That's one thing I don't have - luggage. Never really go anywhere! I see in the new Sears sale catalog that there's a four-piece set on sale from $225 to $90 if you get it before July 9.
Our yarn sale is going to start next week and run til April 15. It's 15% off all yarn, including anything already marked down. I am assuming it includes cross stitch stuff, too.
Good luck deciding what to take with you!
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